I get to be your Mom


I get to be your Mom,

I get to gaze into your little eyes, such adoration, such passionate love.

I get to hold you tight, long into the night, as you sleep peacefully like a dove.

I wish I could gather every memory, every moment and lock them in time.

Never to forget those beautiful smiles, and keep them like they’re mine.

Hold onto me little ones, I’m never far away. Rocking you, holding you tight, in my arms – gently we sway.

Reading books together, discovering this world God made. Snuggled up close; I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Don’t rush to grow up, enjoy your youth, and the simple things in life.

Treasure these moments of curiosity, learning, dreaming – but love, this is what matters most.

I get to be your Mom, to love you, guide you, and lead you to Jesus.

His love and faithfulness will be your anchor to weather the storms.


Hold onto Him.

Love, your Mom