March for Life

The abortion pill is horrifically painful. I took a pill like it when I miscarried my first baby. I was clueless and trusted the medical system. My first ultrasound showed that the baby wasn’t alive, so they needed to induce the uterus to push it out. I was sent home with pain killers…then told my husband to leave the apartment because I didn’t want him to hear my screams of pain. I cried so much..thought I would die. Alone.

Then after researching it online, I found out that it was the same pill they give women who want to terminate (kill) their own living baby!

I was shocked to the core. It was around this same year I discovered that the birth control pill is also labeled by the medical field as an abortifacient, as it alters the hormones in such a way, that if you accidentally become pregnant, the embryo (living human baby) would not stand a chance. How many of us has ever forgot to take a pill or two? I believe I had been pregnant a few times on the pill, as I had recurring dreams of babies that were mine, but when I woke up, I was grieving such loss. That’s when I prayed to Jesus, and then learned about how the birth control pill works. That’s when I told my husband I was going off it, and then I miscarried my first baby that following year.

I could be guilty of having abortions that I never really knew about. Different circumstances – same loss.

Jesus forgives us…we can be led down the wrong path, and make choices we thought were best.

My heart goes out to the 100,000 of babies aborted legally in Canada each year, but also to all the women who have suffered such agony physically and spiritually.

That’s why I March for life!❤️❤️