Hope for 2022

Today my intentions are to inspire and encourage anyone who is suffering with poor health like I did, to know there are amazing natural ways to help your body get back into balance, with a detox to achieve better health.

I’m not entirely where I want to be with my health now, but as I look back, I am amazed at the many examples of God’s help for our family ❤️ Come to think of it, I was living in an old farm house at the time I got a huge breakthrough, which had water damage and smelled moldy. I actually loved that home, because we had horses to get to know just next to the house, a huge yard and we’re on a ranch on a hill overlooking the mountains, river and large campground with so many trees…in Alberta that is a luxury! But..we had been developing poor health, and although we already had the knowledge and background about natural health, we didn’t quite have the right products – and were suffering.

Here’s my story:

“My discovery of a gut health company with its total focus on all natural health products began in 2017. It’s fully approved by Health Canada and I’m so privileged to be part of it.😄

Here’s why…

I didn’t have great digestion, struggled with anxiety, tiredness, brain fog, trouble focusing on tasks, bad pms, bloating and occasional depression, painful ovulation and terrible cramping with my cycles. I can remember battling terrible back acne, and facial acne for years without any relief. Basically, I knew we were in an ongoing battle with candida overgrowth, and leaky gut, but settled thinking it was not that bad. We had children with food sensitivities and behavioral issues, so we ate mostly all natural, sugar free, healthy homemade food, and gluten free in different seasons. We even made cultured food which are good for your gut, such as yogurt, sourdough bread, cultured (fermented) veggies….you see where I’m going with this? We were doing all the right things! I felt like I needed help with deciding which probiotics and vitamins were the best.

Things changed for us…..

I’m so thankful I followed my intuition and ordered the products. (pink drink, bowel cleanse, probiotics with enzymes and anti-fungal)

We began to see results within days, weeks, then 3 months a great breakthrough of energy and freedom! 😃 There was finally hope, which I hadn’t felt in soo long! The Pink drink, which balanced blood sugar levels, was a game changer for me. This helped with hormonal issues, which led to more energy and a happier, peaceful Mom. Today I have no signs of any acne whatsoever, no depression, and I’m more calm, more focused, not as stressed, better digestion, and happier with loads of energy. My waist slimmed down as I lost inflammation. Bonus!!🎉

Our kids digestion and behaviors improved as well. (They have multivitamins with probiotics in them now. )This was a season of victory for us, and the chance to be a better Mom and wife. It didn’t take long to experience the detox effects of with increased bowell movements in all of us, not to mention the loss of bloating for me. There was a period of Detox, which was evidence that this was a strong and powerful system. (Google micro biome) Never had I experienced this before, even with other probiotics! I was not willing to go grain free as we did years before…but that was also a way to detox. I felt as if I had aged backwards, Lol! I could run without tiring for the first time that I could ever remember. I felt light, and as if I was a younger version of myself. I had renewed confidence and was astounded at the results. I felt happy! Our kids were also more energetic, more cooperative, and skin eczema cleared up.

Healthy kids are happier kids! Months after beginning these products, I had a surgery to remove one fallopian tube, then I got pregnant for our third child after 7 years of trying!

I believe that the detox products had helped me in that area too.

I’m so greatful for the health science education and support from the community of faith filled Mom’s to spur one another on their journeys to better health.

Getting your gut healthy can strengthen your immune system. We all need that now more than ever, especially if you’ve had shots of any kind.

Yes, you can heal naturally with the right tools and patience, as it’s not an overnight turnaround if you’ve been living a toxic lifestyle…but it works! Never turning back.

Keep fighting the good fight of the faith and maybe try something new in 2022. Maybe this can be your BEST year?

I sure hope so.❤️ Let’s get you started with products that will propel you to your own health breakthrough.