Homeschooling littles

1*make it fun somehow (sticker or stamp lesson completed, or bring favourite teddy along to learn)

2* Let them feel the excitement of learning how God made every subject.

3* Instill wonder in them…exploring with colourful books and educational games.

4* Each child throws a different curve ball in their learning style, so try no pressure, but appreciate how far they’ve come.

Our kids are so bright, it’s truly amazing how they love to learn! Going on 8 years for us, and a few things I’ve learned:

5* Put on beautiful classical instrumental music at school calms and opens up creativity.

7* Try not to recreate school at home…strict schedules work for some but not everyone..allow loose schedule and if days not going well, then just play games and read, or educational videos.

Now to get home education and reading around busy toddler is “interesting” 😅 Can you say juggling? Great decision for anyone keeping their most precious close to teach and to guide….it will be so worth the struggles that may come along. ❤️