He Loves me as I am

Just this morning in my devotional time I thought of the verse:

Zephaniah 3:17, “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing.” … The underlying message for me was that God loves us just as we are.❤️

Cut the Sugar and live!

Have you heard of the Gut-brain connection? A healthier diet can really make a difference in our brain health.

Going sugar and gluten free over the years has been challenging for our family, but so worth it!

I’ve tried going back to what I thought was freedom, eating the occasional sugar treat or wheat bun, but I always just ended up feeling tired, moody and bloated. Maybe that’s you?

I could share so much more, as I’ve even bought books about it, and joined a Gut Health supplement company years ago.

Did you know probiotics also help with mental health?

Balancing gut bacteria 🦠 helps in so many ways to ward off Dr. visits, and use of pharmaceuticals.

Let me encourage you to take a step, just one, to eliminate damaging sugar habits and junk food out of your lifestyle!

Uncomfortable? Maybe…. But so is feeling sick and tired all the time. Trust me, it’s the best self care change you can make.❤️👏


Are you ready

The end of the world is coming some day…maybe in our life time. Are we ready for this? The Bible doesn’t lie.

The Old Testament contains over 400 prophecies about the coming Messiah. Jesus Christ perfectly fulfilled every one of them.

Prophecy: Micah 5:2 says that the one true Messiah was to be born in Bethlehem.

760 years later…
FULFILLED: Jesus was born in Bethlehem. (Matthew 2:1, Luke 2:4-6)


Strength in the Lord

Happy Christmas….as my 3 year old daughter would paraphrase the Merry Christmas greeting.😆

I’m sitting here in the glow of my phone flashlight 🔦(wonderful emergency tool) as we lost electricity this evening. Thankful to be listening offline to downloaded Amazon Music playlist 🎶 – Hannah Kerr’s song “Same God” as I write.

I began to read some of my own journal entries, many of them scriptures that have taught me about this life…and how to survive it!

As I sit to rest and scroll through FB posts, I realize that I should share a few things from my journal. The enemy of my soul tells me I have nothing to offer… and I sometimes lose vision and purpose….but I pick myself up from time to time and shine my light.😊💡

Song playing right now is “Until Grace”, by Tauren Wells and Rascal Flats, (a fave) and it reminds me of the freedom I found in Christ.

It’s not the kind of freedom that makes my life trouble free, but one that knows that grace in Jesus is there to pick me up when I fall. I snap out of my limiting mindset when I spend time with the One who loves me unconditionally – Christ.

Do you ever feel like you will never get back up?

Isaiah 40:31

“Those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

Why eagles?

Eagles 🦅 don’t have to run or put any effort before they lift off. They just jump into the wind, against it, as the wind goes over their wings to give them lift.

Eagles glide mostly, so they don’t use a lot of energy – they fly with ease.

Eagles soar on thermals in the sky, and they know how to find them.

So, I’m reminded tonight and hope you are too, and encouraged to believe that you can find your strength as you “wait on the Lord.”
It won’t be hard…😀

Declare out loud with me: “My strength is found when I wait on the Lord!”

Be Blessed!

Teaching kids at Christmas time

Great message to pass into our kids as we watch this at Christmas time.

“In 1965, Charles Schulz, a devout Christian and creator of the Peanuts comic strip, was asked to create a Christmas special for CBS featuring the Peanuts Characters. He agreed with one requirement, that they allow him to include the story of the birth of Jesus. Although the stations executives were hesitant and tried to convince him otherwise, Schulz was insistent. As a result, for the past 50 plus years, millions of people have watched and “A Charlie Brown Christmas” and heard the story of Jesus and “what Christmas is all about.”

It wasn’t until a few years back that I realized a “hidden message” in the film. Linus, a child who seems to have some insecurities as he carries a security blanket with him at all times. In fact, Linus NEVER drops his blanket, except once….

While sharing the message of “what Christmas is all about,” Linus drops his blanket at the exact moment he says the words, “fear not!”

In this seemingly innocent moment, Linus delivers a powerful reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. We are to “fear not”, for Jesus is born. We needn’t rely on material things for security, we have God with us, “Immanuel”, (Matthew 1:23) Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior – the true meaning of Christmas.

Awhile back, someone informed me, indignantly so, that Linus picks up his blanket at the end of the speech so my interpretation must be wrong. Well, he was right, Linus does pick up his blanket at the end of his speech. However, he “drops” it again later…

Amid big, bright, colorful, shiny artificial trees, Charlie Brown chose the least of these, a little, wooden tree with just a few branches. Shortly thereafter, Linus uses his blanket to wrap about the base of the tree and says, “Maybe it just needs a little love”. In that moment, the tree “awakens”, stands tall and firm. A reminder that no matter who we are, how many mistakes we’ve made, a “little love” can make all the difference.

Let’s strive to “fear not” (Luke 2:10) and “love one another” (John 13:34), not just at Christmastime, but the whole year through.”

Borrowed from Charlene M. Speer & ‘Christian Life Ministry’ on Facebook…

The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

Article written by blogger: Nicki Truesdell

In Yuri Bezmenov’s book, written back in the early 80’s he cites a document allegedly recovered by allied forces after WWII in Dusseldorf, Germany, that gives instructions on how to convert “young revolutionaries”. The first entry is “Corrupt the young, get them interested in sex, take them away from religion. Make them superficial and enfeebled.” -Love Letter to America. Thomas Schuman (A.K.A Yuri Bezmenov)

Superficial and enfeebled.

This phrase has stuck in my head all week. Because this is a chilling and accurate description of our current generation.

It saddens me for so many reasons. You can see the masses living for the moment, influenced by Hollywood, with Twitter attention spans, easily ruled, easily riled, unhealthy, and Godless.

Superficial and enfeebled.

Moms, we know that the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world. We hold so much power. We can reverse this trajectory. It starts at home and spreads from there.

A wise uncle somewhere once said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” 😬 Don’t take it lightly. Give your kids a biblical worldview and a generational vision. This world will need them to be bold, and wise, and strong.

And it needs you to be that now.

My thoughts….

Hope they are right! We are a test of this as a homeschool family. Books that we choose and content that we approve of. Internet does encroach on some of this ideology at times. So much contrary information out there to Biblical derived morality.

Take Courage

Great advise for my Christian Spirit filled friends and family. ❤️

This post really helped me to remain steadfast in my faith, no matter what. Even when people who don’t know Jesus succeed in their attacks against me or my family. Jesus still calls me to love them 💕 and pray for their deliverance from Satan’s lies. I feel so sorry for them…😢 If I distance myself from anyone, it’s to protect my heart, and my family. Julia was tackled and punched by a 6 yr old boy at the playground a few days ago, and was left distraught and crying. Even though we brought the incident to the parents attention right after, there was no apology, but rather an excuse for the sons abuse. We may never get an apology on this earth, but God Almighty is the judge, and it’s in his hands to vindicate us – and he will!

I had a family member yell and swear at me. Funny thing though…it didn’t actually hurt me at all.😊

….. Julie Whedbee

The enemy attacks with greater fury now. It is evident in all areas of life, and the contrast you see between light and dark is becoming more clear very quickly. I have warned you of the great division and the separation that must take place, from those who walk with Me intimately, from those who do not. Those who have no knowledge of the truth are being manipulated to a greater degree than ever before, and most have no idea how they are being used. You are and will continue to see more and more manifestations of the demonic in people not walking in obedience, as I am giving them over to their own lusts. It is happening now where and when you would least expect it to happen. This is a great sign of what is about to take place, and the sign of My imminent return for My remnant.

I am measuring hearts, separating out those whose motives are not holy, pure and righteous, from those whose hearts are in harmony with Me. I see every heart and its motive, and then I decide which side the soul must move towards for this season you have now entered. For this reason, I want to remind you of what is happening, especially in your relationships and the circumstances you find yourself in with loved ones and extended family. Remember this truth-- IT IS NOT PERSONAL.

What I mean by this is you have been trained now to have the discernment to see how and when the enemy is operating, using the fruits of the flesh in those I am speaking about. You must separate the person from the behavior and the actions and/or words they speak. You know you are in a battle, a spiritual battle, not a flesh and blood battle, and therefore, the Kingdom response and action from you must be from your spirit, which is directly led by Me.

The dark kingdom spirit(s) must be addressed directly, and not the person who is lashing out or persecuting. You are to bind the enemy spirits at work, commanding them to leave your presence, rendering them ineffectual and harmless against you. You are then to loose the fruits of the Spirit over that person or group of people, covering the entire situation with My Holy blood, and declaring My victory and your rightful inheritance as My heirs. You are then to separate yourselves unless I speak to you otherwise.

My children, it is now time to take a radical and powerful stand against the evil ones. With Me enthroned upon your heart, nothing is impossible, and you know that no weapon formed against you will prosper. You are now facing situations where you must declare and pronounce these truths. I am strengthening you and giving you the words you need, My words, as you have become My instruments of righteousness. Wield My Sword of Truth and stand firm!! A great shift and a great shaking is here. Most do not realize where you are in My time frame and how quickly I am coming. My children, what you will see now as the judgments rain down is NOT for the faint of heart.

My people, however, you are not to fear, but you have been positioned to be courageous. You walk in My complete power and authority. The vast majority you will encounter, as I bring judgment to the lands will be terrified and lost. You will bind the ones operating under satan’s influence, and give them an opportunity to repent, or you will send them fleeing.

Right now, what I ask of you is this– remain in the center of My will. Pray daily for My peace and abide in Me. Do not strive. Do not go or do anything you do not understand Me leading you to do. Don’t look to the right or to the left, and especially do not look into the past anymore.

Focus and pray unceasingly. Let go of everything, because it is all going to change in the way you know it now. Stand firm and fix your eyes on Me. I will fill you to overflowing with My presence, as you manifest My glory to the earth, as I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I will lead you and guide you, provide for you and protect you. You will only know the security of your Father and Messiah, as I do what I must do. If you could only see a glimpse of what I am about to do across the earth..

But, I assure you My remnant, and those who have made Me your first love, your indwelling is upon you, so rejoice!!


The Struggle is Real

The struggle I face against temptation to indulge in the pleasures of this world. It hits me when I leave my house; as I drive along and see fast food joints; the idea pops in my head “I deserve a treat!” It can be so pervasive in my mind, and I need God’s strength to resist it.

Remembering the last few times I indulged in a sugary pastry, pizza, chocolate bar, ice cream, KFC….all of which led me to feel bloated, itchy, tired and irritable.

Why would I be so willing to risk my health? I ask myself why I lack the will power to have enough resistance. There are times when I look back and see how I was so committed! I guess I got lazy and lost hope. Lack of support? Perhaps it was just easier to give in to my kids and myself as it’s just more pleasurable to just indulge right? Under the disguise that these things will make me happier.

Today I celebrate 🎊 because I denied “self” or my fleshly , carnal desires to fall back into that pattern. Also, I recited my life coach faith declarations this morning, with scriptures, and I felt like I was above those fleshly temptations. I had more resistance to those evading thoughts compared to some other days!!!😄🎉

Today I have more FREEDOM and CONFIDENCE. Our mind is so key 🔑 to Gods empowerment, as well as the Holy Spirit if we will allow him to come along in our day.😊

Jesus said those that follow him are to deny themselves, take up their cross and follow him. It feels like a death of sorts to myself and it can be uncomfortable.

What are the rewards? I asked God today – he answered
L I F E.

Don’t give up the good fight! 🦋 You can overcome when you get really close to Jesus and start to believe what He says about your ability to resist. Declare his truth over yourself. It lifts you up, really!!

Discover your true identity in Christ, whose you are, who you are, and grace will follow you through!

Bless you all who are facing this struggle.❤️